Sunday, December 1, 2013

White Pelicans in Placida, Florida. The "Snowbirds" return.

The term "snowbird" is used a lot here in SW Florida, mostly meaning part time residents who spend the summer months "up north" and migrate back to the Sunshine State in the fall.  Birds also migrate to warmer climes for the  winter.  Here is one of our favorites, the American White Pelican (Pelicanus erythrorynchos).
We always look for these birds to return to Placida in November....We summer in Maine and usually return before the pelicans!

 This year we were lucky enough to see migrating flocks before any landed at the local pelican hotspot behind Miss Cindy's Fish Market in Placida.

Placida Fish Market

 A few days later and "our" birds arrived.  Much larger than our year round Brown Pelicans, with an impressive 9 ft wingspan.
There are lots of places to see American Whites....check the link below. 
 You can see them from the shore, but take a paddle out into Placida Harbor and Gasparilla sound.....there's lots more to see!

1 comment:

  1. How exciting, I adore the photos and the information, I know Placida. My first husband was born and raised in Englewood, his family were pioneers. I have lived in Englewood and ridden the streets of Placida.

    Thank you. This was a real treat. I may look for the whites, my son is buried in Englewood, and I will visit at least once this winter.
